V056: Reiziger in Muziek

Non-commercial, VHS (PAL), color, in Dutch (1991), 59:15.

Directed by George Schouten
Produced by Vera de Vries
Executive producer: Cherry Duyns

Broadcast 12 May 1991

Time Description
0:25 Program begins: Reiziger in Muziek
1:00 Interviewer, Han Reiziger, introduces musicians and speaks with Henk Guittart about his activities with the Schönberg Ensemble
3:30 Singer and pianist perform Zemlinsky's song op. 7, no. 5, "Sonntag," in the television studio
4:35 Reiziger and Guittart continue their discussion
8:00 Singer and pianist perform Zemlinsky's song op. 5, no. 1, "Schlaf nur ein"
11:20 Another singer performs Berg's "Die Nachtigall" from the Sieben frühe Lieder
13:30 Performance of Berg's song op. 2, no. 1, "Dem Schmerz sein Recht"
16:45 Performance of Webern's song op. 4, no. 4, "So Ich traurich bin" [sic]
17:40 Discussion between Guittart and Reiziger continues
21:00 Footage from Serge Hovey home movies (V034), discussion continues
23:45 Performance of Schoenberg's song op. 15, no. 5 from the Book of the Hanging Garden
24:55 Discussion continues. Guittart explains the 12-tone method of composition.
29:05 Performance of Berg's song "Schliesse mir die Augen beide" (1907) and his song on the same text from 1925
31:20 Discussion continues.
33:25 Performance of Schoenberg's op. 19, nos. 1, 4, 5
35:45 Performance of Webern's Drei kleine Stücke, op. 11
38:10 Discussion continues.
38:50 Performance of Schoenberg's Serenade, op. 24, no. 6 "Lied ohne Worte"
41:45 Discussion continues
43:30 Performance of Schoenberg's op. 48, no. 2, "Tot"
45:05 Discussion continues
Performance of Schoenberg's violin concerto, op. 36 (ii.: Andante grazioso), with piano accompaniment
54:45 Discussion continues
58:00 Recap of Zemlinsky's song, "Sonntag"
59:15 End of program