V070: Sixth Annual FASI Membership Party

Non-commercial, VHS (NTSC), color, (1991), 57:50.
Time Description
0:00 Plaque showing the FASI "Distinguished Patron Award" granted to architect, William Alexander, the first such award
0:45 Party guests (held at Hollywood Bowl during exhibit, "Exiles in Paradise"), table of Schoenberg materials and William Alexander's certificates of achievement. Guests include William Alexander, Larry Livingston, Judith Rosen, Larry and Anne Schoenberg, Leonard Stein, David Raksin
11:20 Gerald Turbow and Heidi Lesemann express their best wishes to Alexander. More conversations among guests.
16:45 Formal program begins with Gerald Turbow welcoming the guests.
20:15 Dean of USC's School of Music, Larry Livingston, addresses the guests. He celebrates the continued cooperation between the School of Music and the ASI and hails Bill Alexander for his contributions to Los Angeles musical life. He also congratulates outgoing Director, Leonard Stein.
25:50 Turbow returns to the microphone, announces the "Constructive Dissonance" conference for November 1991.
27:35 Reinhard Dinkelmeyer, Director of the LA Goethe Institute, addresses the guests, congratulates Stein and thanks him for the past five years of cooperation between their respective institutions.
36:25 Stein addresses the guests, introduces his co-workers at the ASI.
37:35 Turbow introduces the FASI board members: Jan Feinman, Vice-President/Fundraising; Dorothy Crawford, Vice-President/Academic Programs; Lucretia Cloren, Recording Secretary; William Adler, Treasurer, and more.
39:15 Judith Rosen, Founding President of the Friends, announces the new officers of FASI: Gerald Turbow, President; Jan Feinman, Vice-President/Fundraising; Herbert Hymans,Vice-President/Academic Programs; Lucretia Cloren, Recording Secretary; William Rekirk, Corresponding Secretary; William Adler, Treasurer.
43:00 Turbow thanks JoAnne Roe for her 11 years of work at the ASI; she will be leaving in a few months for AZ. 
46:20 Roe thanks all those involved with the Institute.
Turbow pays tribute to Bill Alexander, discusses his many and various accomplishments.
55:40 Alexander thanks FASI and those gathered for the award.
57:05 Conclusion of formal program. Guests resume mingling.
57:50 End